Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good to Know: Basic Grammar Terms *** مصطلحات القواعد

Grammar القَواعِد

Fun, fun, fun! As you can see, I'm avoiding the real work (case marking, the imperative, the dual, hollow verbs---ick) by reviewing the very basics. Just one of my many tried and true procrastination methods. But it's good to start at the beginning, right? This is where you nod, sympathetically.

The word for "the plural" is الجُمْع, so "plural" is abbreviated here by
The word for "the singular" is المُفْرَد , but singular nouns won't be marked here. Since Arabic is written from right to left, you'll see the singular on the right and the plural on the left.

Word كَلِمة ج. كَلِمات

Sentence جُملة ج. جُمَل

Noun إِسْم ج. أَسْماء

Adjective صِفة ج. صِفات

Verb فِعْل ج. أَفْعال

Infinitive/Verbal Noun مَصْدَر ج. مَصادِر (~gerund)

Pronoun ضَمير ج. ضَمائِر

Plural الجُمْع

Singular المُفْرَد

Feminine (gender) مُؤَنَّث

Masculine (gender) مُذَكَّر

Definite مُعَرَّف

Indefinite غَيِّر مُعَرَّف ("not definite")

Preposition حَرْف جَرّ ج. حُروف جَرّ

ُRoot الجَذْر ج. الجَذور

Pattern الوَزْن ج. الأَوْزان (example letters = ف ع ل )

Subject المُبْتَدَأ (nominal sentence)

Predicate الخَبَر ("news")

Subject الفاعِل (verbal sentence)

Object المَفْعول بِهِ (verbal sentence)

Nominal/ Noun Sentence جُمْلة إِسْمية

Verbal Sentence جُمْلة فَعْلية

Case Marking الإِعْراب

State or condition الحال (~Adverb)

Specification التَّمْييز


ُTo be continued...


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